Looking back on 2023
Navigating unchartered waters
2023 was undoubtedly a year for the books. Marked by turbulent economic conditions, generative AI going mainstream, and the collapse of a 167 year old financial institution, 2023 will undoubtedly go down as a year that changed the fabric of society.
For FIC, 2023 was also a year of major transformation. We founded our Women@FIC resource group, hosted our 15th Alumni Mixer, and launched an entirely new brand identity. However, none of this would have been possible without the support of the FIC community. We are grateful to the members, alumni, and friends who have been our partners for the ride.
Let’s take a scroll down memory lane to reflect on our journey!
By the numbers
coffee chats
general meetings
social events
case studies
ICYMI: A few unforgettable memories
Our team keeps growing—some of the faces that joined us in Spring 2023…
…and a couple of those that joined us in Fall 2023
Some of the exciting firms FICers interned or started their careers at…
…and some of the new places our alumni have joined
We continued the strong success of our Talks@FIC speaker series in 2023—we convened speakers across consulting, venture capital, corporate development, investment banking, and more. The diverse nature, backgrounds, and experiences of our speakers helped showcase the wide variety of career within finance.
Talks@FIC Highlights
Talks@FIC is our platform which convenes leading professionals across the financial services industry for conversations about careers, life, the economy, and how finance is shaping a dynamic world. We are immensely grateful to all of the individuals who joined us this year to share their insights with our fellow FICers.
We welcome and celebrate the different perspectives that help the FIC Community achieve extraordinary, enduring results. DEI at FIC is at the heart of our talent strategy. It helps us attract and retain some of Davis’s best and brightest. It helps us be better people and produces better results for our members. And it touches each of us.
It would be impossible to capture in this space every effort across FIC, but we are proud to share on the right a snapshot of the work we do and our continued effort to advance DEI across all dimensions of FIC.
To enhance our recruiting strategy, we focused reach outs to underrepresented groups and hosted coffee chat programs to increase opportunity for diverse individuals to learn about the FIC experience and community. Once part of FIC, we’ve exposed students to the wide array of mission-driven organizations that exist to help place students into careers.
We’re proud to have helped students through organizations such as SEO, MLT, GWI, and O4U among others.
On the external front, we hosted speaker panels and collaborative events with Davis Women in Business, Davis Consulting Group, and AggieWorks to introduce FICers and students to the interdisciplinary nature of finance.
Internally, we’ve hosted all kinds of exciting socials for members to form enduring friendships. From running Turkey Trots, to grabing drinks and receiving mentorship, we’ve created meaningful develop opportunities for our members.
We launched our Women@FIC resource group, a space for all female-identifying members to grow personally and professionally in their endeavors. From hosting movie nights, knitting workshops, and workout groups, the women of FIC have only become closer and developed stronger friendships and bonds.
Furthermore, we also launched our Personal Development (PD) program, a place for FICers to grab a cup of coffee with a senior member while receiving mentorship on career, life, and anything in between.
We’ve always been big about giving back to our community, and this year we’ve headway in both our financial and volunteering commitments as our way of dedicating time and capital to our community. On the local front, we’ve donated canned goods and raised funds for local food banks. On the education and equity front, we are piloting a financial literacy education program with Santa Catalina School, an all-girls high school based in Monterrey, CA. We hope to continue being stewards of the local Davis community while advancing access to financial literacy for young adults.
Onward To 2024
Onward To 2024
We wish you a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season!
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