FIC, 2007 and beyond

We have grown exponentially over the last seventeen years and currently are a family of about fifty members who come from a diverse variety of backgrounds. Our members come from all walks of life: some are world-class athletes. Some are engineers. Some are artists. But all share a love for finance. Accelerating our growth and development are our 300+ alumni, who can be found investing in frontier-defining startups, advising Fortune 500 companies on multi-billion dollar acquisitions, or leading high-level strategic engagements for clients of all sizes. They work at companies that define the future of business—and bring and share their talents, insights, and advice to the current generation of FICers.

Our core mission has never changed—we have and always will cultivate a culture where students interested in any aspect of finance are able to thrive, personally and professionally. We support FICers in exploring career interests, seeking professional opportunities, and finding a family of people that share similar passions and aspirations.

We value teamwork over individual success, slope over y-intercept, and enduring friendships over short-term connections. Our culture is rooted in excellence, collaboration, passion, and humility. By embodying these values, we build lasting relationships, challenge each other to new heights, and go on to exciting careers while trailblazing new paths—all while paving a path for those that follow.

We invest in you, so you can invest in your future.